Welcome to Red Wing, MN, that town that's been making pottery for decades.
There's a casino there too--the
Treasure Island Casino.
HistoryFather Louis Hennepin, came to Red Wing in 1680. He was the first white settler to the region.
In 1805, Col. Zebulon M. Pike, a United States Army officer, landed in Red Wing and spoke to the Indian chief, Hupahuduta. Hupahuduta can be translated into an expression known as "a swan's wing dyed in red."
In 1823, U.S. Army officer Major Long made a visit to Red Wing, hoisting the American flag on the Indian Council House and proclaiming the place as "Red Wing."
In 1837 Rev. Daniel Gavin and Rev. Samuel Denton, Swiss Missionaries, came here to teach religion to the Indians. They remained for about nine years.
Under a treaty made at Mendota in 1851, white people were allowed to make their homes on the West bank of the Mississippi River.
Red Wing was incorporated as a city in 1857.