simple is beautiful
Digital Traveler: Photography Demo Hell
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Thursday, 7 September 2006

Photography Demo Hell

My snake oil sales pitch didn't go too well. The snakes hit Murphy's Law, everything that could go wrong went wrong.

1. Didn' t have the appropriate hook-up for the television monitor so I ran the seminar with people viewing my lap top.

2. Ran out of ink for the printer (yellow ink of all things, the one that needs replacing the least for the 7-cartridge Epson printer. I had spares for all the other colors) By the way, the Epson 2200 is the one most used by photographers for printing.

3. Had to carry the bulky printer, camera case, laptop case and my 16X22 portolio all the way from the parking lot through the Mandalay Bay shopping mall to the convention spot. The trip took 30 minutes.

4. Arrived at a booth no bigger than a small bathroom where 3 people had to work.

5. Had trouble getting people to listen to me.

Okay, so much for my spasm of complaints. Needless to say, a guy with a PC who spoke after me arrived connected his PC (everything's made for PC's) and hustled people around him like he was flypaper. Turns out that's what he does for a living.

The guy needs to write a book at public speaking within a convention platform.

Yesterday, though, was worth the trip as the magical weather made me feel as if I were floating to Las Vegas with the lonely remnants of Hurricane John putting on a show in the sky.


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