simple is beautiful
Digital Traveler: Photography--Google Groups, The Death of Candid Photography
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Saturday, 9 September 2006

Photography--Google Groups, The Death of Candid Photography

A few threads below mine is a large discussion about where the street photographers are. I Since this is a system board, it came to me that maybe, perhaps people don't photograph candidly as much is because with each new high tech advance (micro lenses, super zoom lenses, manual settings, flash attachments...) photographers are expected to come up with technically adept shots.

These types of shots take time to set up (not to mention have some sophisticated equipment) such as those silky streams, glowing flower petals, and the veins within leaves.

Candid shots can be less technically adept (Cindy Sherman was no master of technicalities); but her shots were artful, thought provoking if not downright bizarre.

Look up Dorthea Lange on the Internet and practically no one talks about what type of camera she used, yet her feelings about the era in which she lived--the struggles of everyday people created a hauntingly "could-it-happen-to-us" syndrome.

Yes, equipment is important; but I have to remember that there's a consumer trap that has me often buying more than I need.

There's nothing sweeter than a child licking a lollypop with the candy larger than the child or the cable car ringer shaking his bell.


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