Borders and Barnes and Noble have wiped out many indie bookstores. The same thing has happened with camera stores.
It isn't so much that chain camera stores like Ritz Camera do the indies in. They're just not that big.
What really kills the indie camera shops are the Best Buys, Office Depots and Walmarts of the world. They sell much of what the indies carry.
There used to be a camera store in Palm Springs called the Camera Exchange.
Sadly, that store is gone now.
Just in case if you're looking for an indie camera shop, there are quite a few links here.
It isn't so much that chain camera stores like Ritz Camera do the indies in. They're just not that big.
What really kills the indie camera shops are the Best Buys, Office Depots and Walmarts of the world. They sell much of what the indies carry.
There used to be a camera store in Palm Springs called the Camera Exchange.
Sadly, that store is gone now.
Just in case if you're looking for an indie camera shop, there are quite a few links here.
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